How to Write a Valentine's Day Card When You're Not a Mushy Person
While I LOVE snail mail and greeting cards, I know that not everyone else does. But as a purveyor of stationery goods, I've learnt that there are two holidays where pretty much everyone buys a card: Mother's Day and... Valentine's Day!
Purchasing or making a Valentine's Day card is just the first part of the process though. Next you have to figure out what to write in the Valentine's Day card! Yikes!
If you're a fan of my work then you know I'm not the person to go to for mushy, gushy flowery, words. They're just not for me. But that doesn't mean I don't have big feelings! So if you're like me and you have big feelings and you want to convey them but you're not sure how, here's some help on what to write in your Valentine's Day cards without being too over the top or sounding like Shakespeare.
It's important to remember when you send out Valentine's Day cards that you know your audience. This is one holiday where you don't want to send the wrong message to the wrong person!
But at the same time, this is a wonderful day to let the important people in your life know what they mean to you. Valentine's Day isn't just for romance! Celebrate your family and your friends as well!
If you approach writing a Valentine's Day card from the perspective of telling people what they mean to you, it makes coming up with what to say much easier. I also find using pop culture references works really well - they're fun without being overly gushy.
Let's start with a classic that works in almost every situation.
Never Underestimate 'I Love You'
Sometimes the simplest way to convey what you feel is the classic, straight to the point "I love you". It's all right there in three little words. It's strong yet loving and there's nothing confusing about it.
This works for almost everyone - your romantic partner, your kids, your nieces and nephews, grandchildren, grandparents, mom and dad and your friends.
Some notable exceptions where you probably shouldn't use "I love you" would be teachers, co-workers, or anyone you have a professional relationship with. In those cases, you can stick with a simple "Happy Valentine's Day!" or something punny.
Love and Kisses Valentine's Day Card from Fine Lime Illustrations
What to Write in a Valentine's Day Card for Your Romantic Partner
If your partner loves a good, goofy pun or has been known to throw their arms around you at the hint of a saucy suggestion, then don't be afraid to go either of those routes. They'll probably appreciate it more than a flowery speech or a poem!

Happy to be Stuck with You Card by Fine Lime Illustrations
- with love and kisses and all that mush
- you're the peanut butter to my jelly, the cheese to my macaroni etc
- you're the only one I'd share my last French fry with. If that's not love, I don't know what is!
- I'd give up the Super Bowl (Taylor Swift tix, dinner with a celeb etc) to hang out with you.
- I'm happy to be stuck with you!
- you're the one who makes me laugh - and you still hang around when I snort tea out of my nose as a result!
- I love you - even when you're hangry!
- You're my lobster!
When in doubt think of pop culture references. Things like "you're my lobster" (from Friends) or "happy to be stuck with you" (80's song lyric) can be a great place to start. Play around with them - especially if the two of you have a special show, movie or musical artist that you connect over.
What to Write in a Valentine's Day Card for a Child
My biggest selling cards are Valentine's Day cards. But not the romantic ones. The ones for kids! And I love that! I love that so many people use the day to let their kids know how much they mean to them!
I Love You So Mush card from Fine Lime Illustrations
Kids love corny jokes and there is no shortage of them out there. Valentine's day cards are also a great place to remind each of your kids or grandkids or nieces and nephews about what makes them so special.
- What do cats say to each other on Valentine's Day? You're purr-fect!
- What did the stamp say to the envelope? I'm stuck on you!
- Why do skunks celebrate Valentine's Day? Because they're very scent-imental!
- You're an un-bee-lievable kiddo! (or un-be-leaf-able!)
- You're smart, funny and I love how kind you are to animals
- I love that you make your brother laugh, that you paint the prettiest pictures and that you are so determined.

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun card from Fine Lime Illustrations
What to Write in a Valentine's Day Card for Your Girlfriends
Galentine's Day is a great way to celebrate your best friends and let them know how much they mean to you. Because really... where would we be without our best girls??
- I love you - and not just because you know where all the bodies are buried!
- we're rid or die and I wouldn't have it any other way!
- you're the avocado, I'm the toast - better together and a little extra!
- because you always show up with chocolate
- girls just wanna have fun - and you're the most fun of all
The best advice I can give when it comes to Valentine's day is to know your audience go with what's in your heart. Everyone loves to hear that they're loved, needed and appreciated. Even if you think they already know that, it never hurts to say it - or write it. That means the world to all of us.
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